Samaritans Awareness Day (24th July)

Posted by: ambertaylor - Posted on:

Every year in July, Samaritans aim to highlight that they’re available to talk to you anytime, night or day. The Samaritans are a service used for helping people who are struggling in all types of different ways – often people who are struggling with their mental health. If you’re struggling with your mental health, you can contact them here:

The Samaritans are there to listen to you and offer you any advice or reassurance they can. You can call, email, write in or find a local support group, as a method of reaching out. You can support Samaritans Awareness Day by posting on social media, using the tag #SamaritansAwarenessDay, and by sharing the downloadable social media assets. If you’d like to find out more or access the service, please use this link:

If you’re struggling with your mental health and you’re unsure about where to start and how to improve it, there are a few things you can try. Reaching out to people and trying to connect can make you feel better; talking to someone you trust or even a stranger on a helpline, e.g., Samaritans, may help you. Trying to be physically active, if you can, or just stepping outside for a few minutes can improve your mood. Learning a new skill can help you to feel busy and interested, or doing something you enjoy without any pressure. Helping someone out or showing kindness to others may also help you feel better, and surrounding yourself with people who have a positive impact on your life. Trying out mindfulness and focusing on the present can help you to focus on how you feel in the present moment.

Trying these steps may help you to start feeling better, but if they don’t, you can book an appointment with your GP or use the mental health services online. There’s always someone who can offer you support and find what works for you:…nd-activities/five-steps-to-mental-wellbeing/