Behind the scenes of your general practice.

Did you know that, in addition to your GP, there are other health professionals in general practice who can help […]

Breast Screening

Our practice is proud to support the NHS Breast Screening Programme. If you’ve been invited for breast screening, we hope you’ll […]

Diabetic Eye Screening Programme

We are raising awareness for the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme. Please click the link below to find out more: […]

Travel Vaccination

If you’re planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases […]

Prescription Prepayment Certificate

The Prescription Prepayment Certificate and the low-income scheme to help patients save money on their prescriptions. The campaign particularly targets people with […]

Lupus Awareness Month

Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE or `lupus`) is a chronic immune-system illness, a condition in which the body’s defence mechanism begins […]

Top tips to look after your mental health

Here are some ways to stay mentally well: Talk about your feelings Just being listened to can help you feel […]

Cholesterol Awareness Month: Driving Further, Faster

October is Cholesterol Awareness Month. In this blog, Helen Williams, National Specialty Advisor for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, and Shahed Ahmad, National Clinical […]

Shingles Vaccination

Prevent shingles, a common, painful skin disease. The eligibility for a free NHS Shingles vaccine is changing from the 1st […]

Stoptober 23

When you stop smoking, good things start to happen! Quit smoking this Stoptober – Better Health – NHS ( Stoptober […]